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Publishing Resources

If you're a new author, trying to figure out what's next, here are some resources to help you get started.
Publishing Costs
Freelance Editing

I found my editor by asking other authors I know. My editor is listed first. I've also included links to other resources. It's probably worth noting that there are several types of editors. Developmental editors who help you develop your story idea and character arcs to improve the overall structure of your book, copy editors who check your grammar and spelling, and proof readers who  review the final edits to catch those few final typos, because you can't beat a fresh set of eyes.

Cover Design

Great covers sell! Here are some tips and links to cover design services.

Print On Demand

It's easier than ever to get a book into print. Here are some tips on how to do it and some services you can utilize.


Marketing is a tough nut to crack. I hired an expert. If you're the do-it-yourself sort, here are some articles, as well as some links to experts who can help.

Book Promotions

There are all kinds of ways to promote your book. They run the gamut between free to expensive. Google search on book promotions to find more resources. Here's a few articles to help you get started.

Free Promos for Amazon Books

Promote Your Book For Free

Best eBook Promotion Sites


Connecting with Bloggers can be a great way to spread the word about your books. Finding bloggers who review your genre is key. A blog tour can help you connect you with your tribe. Here are two. Google search for others.

Partners in Crime

Brook Cottage Books

Website Design

Here is a great article ranking the most popular website design tools.

Keywords & Categories

Choosing the right keywords and categories will make your work more discoverable. Here are a couple of useful links.

Keyword Research


Category Hunter by Nerdy Girl

Book Descriptions

Writing a compelling book description is hard! Here are some people who can help.

Blurb Write

Book Formatting Tools

There are a number of tools, paid and free, that will generate digital formats for your books.






Reviews are an essential part of building your readership. There are different kinds of reviews. 

Author Endorsements are blurbs from other authors you can use to promote your book. Some of my author friends have had luck reaching out to authors they don't know personally, but whose work they admire to provide blurbs for their work.

Review Services are typically paid reviews.

Kirkus Reviews

IndieReader Reviews

Reader Reviews: There is nothing like getting reviewed by a reader who loves your work. I've given away free books in exchange for honest reviews through Goodreads and Amazon. There are also services that help you connect with readers.

Net Galley



Career Info

One of the young visitors to my site found this a useful link for learning about career paths:

Writing Basics

Becoming an Author.

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